Bluegriffon, Plover


Be careful with long headers: they can start to cover content on narrower screens!

Be careful with long headers: they can start to cover content on narrower screens!

This is a paragraph in a div with the main-first class! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:30px;

Thall kb about d are wrapped with_# {}

cope pi c
paste v
paste v
yow canals as wel write effort is sevral keys in the partner sis, for example, b(c v v )
thes other lap wit  briefs, alert!

Thall kb about d are wrapped with_# {}

Ped it me mu alte   E
insert me new alt  i   R
after open, SHREGT celbrity
block El meant
t, down, right, m, T
show El 'n't tag alt v, return W

yow canals as wel write effort is sevral keys in the partner sis, for example, b(c v v )

Her are some Plover cc's for blue Griffin, as above,
they keys hit quite rapidly,

thes other lap wit PWRAOEUFS briefs, alert!

new PWHRORB blocks by simplely # returnkey!

This div uses the normal main class, since it's not at the top and doesn't have to mind the header.30px;

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

doughnutsO doughnuts

Here is more text in another box. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet A-- [punches record player]