Be careful with long headers: they can start to cover content on narrower screens!
Be careful with long headers: they can start to cover content on narrower screens!
This is a paragraph in a div with the main-first class! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Here's how to make a list:30px;
- First thing
- Second thing
- Third thing
Thall kb about d are wrapped with_# {}
cope pi |
c |
paste |
v |
paste |
v |
yow canals as wel write effort is sevral keys in the partner sis, for example, b(c v v )
thes other lap wit briefs, alert!
Thall kb about d are wrapped with_# {}
Ped it me mu |
alte |
E |
insert me new |
alt i |
R |
after open, SHREGT celbrity block El meant |
t, down, right, m, |
T |
show El 'n't tag |
alt v, return |
W |
yow canals as wel write effort is sevral keys in the partner sis, for example, b(c v v )
Her are some Plover cc's for blue Griffin, as above,
they keys hit quite rapidly,
thes other lap wit PWRAOEUFS briefs, alert!
This div uses the normal main class, since it's not at the top and doesn't have to mind the header.30px;
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
doughnutsO doughnuts
Here is more text in another box. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet Amet A
-- [punches record player]