guides grammar 図書館・library  学習・learn  | night day

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every website that We visit will have this basic code starts with the HTML opens with the head inside of the head up and tags there is metadata which is description hidden like data or description stuff about this this web page

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

 is easy if We practice it enough and becomes habit 
 is easy if We practice it enough and becomes habit


文法・grammar guides



so list types and then h ones and P tags image tags and a tags they are that's the foundation or the basics of HTML

so list types and then h

ones and P tags image tags and a tags

they are that's the foundation or the

basics of HTML


every website that We visit will have this basic code starts with the HTML opens with the head inside of the head up and tags there is metadata which is description hidden like data or description stuff about this this web page

 is easy if We practice it enough and becomes habit 
 is easy if We practice it enough and becomes habit



every website that We visit will have this basic code starts with the HTML opens with the head inside of the head up and tags there is metadata which is description hidden like data or description stuff about this this web page

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

 is easy if We practice it enough and becomes habit 
 is easy if We practice it enough and becomes habit


Link Four



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